War of 1812
U.S. Forces
Information Headquarters
Welcome to the 8th and 9th Military District information website. During the years of 1812 to 1814, the United States Army was divided into ten districts. The focus of this site is for the 8th and 9th
(8th - Kentucky, Ohio, territories of Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri & 9th - Upstate New York & Vermont)
but other reenacting units are also listed.
Included are US Forces reenacting units that are based in the U.S. and Canada. Contact the individual unit for more information about becoming a reenactor or inviting a unit to your event. Information can also be found on Facebook at 8th and 9th Military District All Ranks Page.
There is also an event list posted. This list is based on events that are held on a regular basis in pre-pandemic times. Please check back for updated listings.
For units or events that are not listed, please complete the contact page.
Land Acknowledgement
We respectfully acknowledge that the reenacting units of the 8th & 9th Military Districts and the events organized and attended are on the traditional territory and homelands of the Original Peoples. This land was taken by treaty and by force from Indigenous People by colonizers on both sides of the War of 1812.
We offer our gratitude to the First Nations for their care for, and teachings about, our earth and our relations. We value both the significant historical and comtemporary contributions of all Ingenious People. May we honour those teachings, as well as the diverse and vibrant communities who make their home here today.
Background photo by Lisa C. Brown