Download a PDF of the list.
Unit Name: 2nd US Artillery – Cushing’s Co.
Location: Ohio
Contact Person & Email: Capt. Tamia Land - land1812[at]bex[dot]net
Website: www.onmha.org
Social Media: None
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 11/08/21
Unit Name: 2nd US Artillery - Larwell’s Detachment
Location: Ohio
Contact Person & Email: John Destatte - grapeshot1812[at]aol[dot]com
Website: None
Social Media: None
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 09/11/21
Unit Name: 2nd US Artillery - Mississinewa Gun
Location: Indiana
Contact Person & Email: Anthony Decker - president[at]mississinewa1812[dot]com
Website: www.mississinewa1812.com
Social Media: Facebook YouTube
Additional information: Bryan Mitchell is Captain of the gun crew.
Date Updated: 09/11/21
Unit Name: 3rd US Artillery - Old Fort Niagara
Location: Old Fort Niagara, New York
Contact Person & Email: Nick Cristiano - trenchandfield[at]aol[dot]com
Website: https://www.oldfortniagara.org/
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: French & Indian, Revolutionary War, War of 1812
Date Updated: 09/27/21
Unit Name: Kellogg’s Company & Machin’s Company
Location: Western New York
Contact Person & Email: John Osinski - Josinski[at]midtel[dot]net
Website: http://www.kelloggscompany1812.org/
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 09/12/21
Light Infantry
Unit Name: 1st Maryland Light Dragoons
Location: Maryland
Contact Person & Email: Michael Bosworth - michael.bosworth[at]mac[dot]com
Website: www.mdld.org
Social Media: None
Additional information: Members in VA, MD & NC
Date Updated: 09/12/21
Unit Name: 1st US Rifles – Gower’s Coy
Location: Michigan & Ohio
Contact Person & Email: Capt. Tom Birkenbach - info[at]1812usriflemen[dot]org
Website: 1812usriflemen.org
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 09/27/21
Unit Name: 1st US Rifles - The Late Captain Whitney's Company
Location: Indiana
Contact Person & Email: Capt. Frank Doughman - 1stusrr[at]gmail[dot]com
Website: None
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 09/13/21
Unit Name: 1st US Rifles - Smith's Company
Location: Omaha, Nebraska
Contact Person & Email: Capt. Bob Baker - wrkrmn247[at]aol[dot]com
Website: None
Social Media: None
Additional information: Fort Atkinson State Historical Park
Date Updated: 12/12/21
Unit Name: 16th US Infantry
Location: Brampton, Ontario
Contact Person & Email: James Braund - us16th1812[at]yahoo[dot]ca
Website: None
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: Light infantry
Date Updated: 11/08/21
Unit Name: 25th US Infantry – Ketchum’s Light Coy
Location: Ontario
Contact Person & Email: Capt. Neil Hurlbut - hurlbutn[at]gmail[dot]com
Website: None
Social Media: None
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 11/21/21
Unit Name: Aisquith's Sharpshooters
Location: Maryland
Contact Person & Email: Amanda Nebel - amanda_k_nebel[at]yahoo[at]com
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/aisquiths1812/
Social Media: Facebook Instagram Twitter
Additional information: We're an Explorer Post (the older version of a Venturing Post) with the BSA. Because we are an Explorer Post, we are coed, and anyone 14 and over is welcome to join, as long as you're willing to both work and have fun.
Date Updated: 10/27/21
Unit Name: Forsyth’s Rifle Co.
Location: Ogdensburg, New York
Contact Person & Email: Tim Cryderman - tcryderman1[at]twcny.rr[dot]com
Website: http://www.forsythsrifles.org/
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 09/11/21
Unit Name: 1812 US Marine Guard
Location: New England
Contact Person & Email: Colin Murphy - usmarine1814[at]yahoo[dot]com
Website: www.1812usmc.com
Social Media: Instagram
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 09/11/21
Unit Name: US Marines Brooks Detachment
Location: Michigan
Contact Person & Email: Roger Heipel - rogerheiple[at]hotmail[dot]com
Website: None
Social Media: Facebook1, facebook2
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 09/13/21
Unit Name: USS Constitution 1812 Marine Guard
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Contact Person & Email: Stan Kumar - Info[at]1812marines[dot]org
Lieut.Kumor[at] 1812marines[dot]org
Website: www.1812marines.org
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: Includes Sackets Harbor Marines
Date Updated: 09/13/21
Unit Name: US Frigate Constellation American Naval Unit
Location: Norfolk, Virginia
Contact Person & Email: Matt Krogh - hmsotter1776[at]gmail[dot]com
Website: None
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: We have a 1/2 pounder swivel gun and a 16-foot cockboat. We operate mostly in the mid-Atlantic.
Date Updated: 09/11/21
Unit Name: Ship’s Company Inc.
Location: Maryland
Contact Person & Email: Ben Bartgis - info[at]shipscompany[dot]org
Website: http://www.shipscompany.org
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: Ship's Company is a living history organization that interprets the history and tradition of the US Naval services and the communities that sustained it for the education of the public.
Date Updated: 09/11/21
Unit Name: Calvert-Arundel Swordsmen
Location: Maryland
Contact Person & Email: Greg Davis - ArkhamAslm[at]aol[dot]com
Website: None
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: We’re in the year 1814, portraying members of Barney’s irregulars, who manned the barges to try to stop the British invasion of the Chesapeake Bay. We focus on either of the time periods immediately following the Battle of St. Leonard’s Creek or the Battle of Bladensburg.
Date Updated: 09/11/21
Unit Name: Company of and Miners, Sappers & Bombardiers
Location: Southern Ontario
Contact Person & Email: Patrick Bartlett - cmsb1814[at]gmail[dot]com
Website: https://www.cmsb.online/
Social Media: Facebook Instagram Twitter
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 11/09/21
Unit Name: Fort McHenry Guard
Location: Maryland
Contact Person & Email: Tim Ertel - Timothy_Ertel[at]nps[dot]gov
Website: https://www.nps.gov/fomc/getinvolved/volunteer.htm
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: Representing the soldiers and sailors of Fort McHenry and the citizens of Baltimore from the War of 1812 to World War II.
Date Updated: 09/23/21
Unit Name: U.S. Brig Niagara
Location: Erie, PA
Contact Person & Email: info[at]sailfnl[dot]org
Website: https://sailfnl.org
Social Media: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram
Additional information: The Flagship Niagara League is a Non-Profit tasked with preserving the art of historical seamanship. The league maintains and operates the US BRIG NIAGARA and the LETTIE G HOWARD out of Erie PA.
Date Updated: 12/12/21
Uniformed Militia
Unit Name: 1st Kentucky Rifles Militia – Hickman’s Company
Location: Southern, Ontario
Contact Person & Email: Shawn Scott - shawn.kobol.productions[at]gmail[dot]com
Website: http://1stkentuckyrifles.westhistory.net/
Social Media: None
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 11/08/21
Unit Name: 1st Regiment Volunteers
Location: Ohio & Michigan
Contact Person & Email: Craig Fisher - cfisher[at]bex[dot]net
Website: None
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 09/11/21
Unit Name: 2nd Kentucky Volunteers
Location: Indiana
Contact Person & Email: Lt. Col. Bill Sheets - wsheets1812[at]gmail[dot]com
Website: https://2ndkentucky1812.org/history-2nd/
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 09/12/21
Unit Name: 5th Indiana Rifle Volunteers
Location: Northern Indiana
Contact Person & Email: Lt. Matt Reed - matthewreed49[at]gmail[dot]com
Website: None
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: Also known as Harrison County Yellow Jackets
Date Updated: 09/12/21
Unit Name: Canadian Volunteers
Location: Toronto, Ontario Area
Contact Person & Email: Philip Edwards - philipcharlesedwards[at]gmail[dot]com
Website: https://www.canadianvolunteers1812.com/
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: The Canadian volunteers portray a militia line unit. This unit was made up of British citizens who fought for the United States
Date Updated:11/09/21
Unit Name: Captain Samuel Black’s Company of Ohio Militia Infantry
Location: Ohio
Contact Person & Email: Kristopher Shultz - kristophereshultz[at]gmail[dot]com
Website: None
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: We’re a Rev War group with an 1812 impression. We also portray Niagara Militia
Date Updated: 09/11/21
Unit Name: Chesapeake Independent Blues
Location: Maryland
Contact Person & Email: Mark Dubin - mdubin06[at]umd[dot]edu
Website: None
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 09/11/21
Unit Name: Lacroix’s Company
Location: Monroe, Michigan
Contact Person & Email: Ralph Naveaux - ralphnaveaux[at]att[dot]net
Website: http://www.riverraisinbattlefield.org/lacroixs.htm
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: https://www.nps.gov/rira/index.htm
Date Updated: 12/12/21
Unit Name: Linigle’s Coy, Ohio Militia
Location: Ohio
Contact Person & Email: Todd Emig - liniglesbluefrocks[at]gmail[dot]com
Website: http://www.liniglesbluefrocks.com/history-of-linigles.html
Social Media: None
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 09/11/21
Unit Name: MacKay’s Company, NY Militia
Location: Mumford, New York
Contact Person & Email: Rick Huff - Redleg3[at]rochester.rr[dot]com
Website: None
Social Media: None
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 09/16/21
Unit Name: Plauche’s Battalion
Location: Chalmette, LA
Contact Person & Email: Timothy Strain - tpstr[at]bellsouth[dot]net
Website: https://www.bonolive.org
Social Media: Facebook, Twitter
Additional information: members in AL, LA, MS, and TX.
Date Updated: 11/03/21
Unit Name: White River Guard, Indiana Vol. Militia
Location: Indiana
Contact Person & Email: Capt. Michael Schoening - whiteriverguard1812[at]gmail[dot]com
Website: www.whiteriverguard.com
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: We are organized as a corporation & our officers & board members change due to annual elections. For the purposes of reenactments, we have a stable officer cadre for participation on the field.
Date Updated: 11/19/21
Unit Name: 1st US Infantry - Clemson's/Symmes's Company
Location: Fort Osage, Sibley, Missouri
Contact Person & Email: Sgt. Paul Rosewitz - paulrosewitz1[at]gmail[dot]com
Website: https://www.1stusinfantry.com
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: Members in IA, IL, KS, MO, NE, and TN
Date Updated: 09/12/21
Unit Name: 1st US Infantry - Nathan Boone's Missouri Rangers
Location: Fort Osage, Sibley, Missouri
Contact Person & Email: Sgt. Mike Harris - harris4t[at]embarqmail[dot]com
Website: https://www.1stusinfantry.com
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: Members in IA, IL, KS, MO, NE, and TN
Date Updated: 09/12/21
Unit Name: 1st US Infantry - Ft. Wayne Garrison
Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Contact Person & Email: Cory Balkenbusch - coryb1812[at]gmail[dot]com
Website: oldfortwayne.org
Social Media: None
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 09/18/21
Unit Name: 4th US Infantry
Location: Michigan
Contact Person & Email: Paul Schulz - paul_s_48051[at]yahoo[dot]com
Website: None
Social Media: None
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 09/11/21
Unit Name: 6th US Infantry
Location: Omaha, Nebraska
Contact Person & Email: Lt. Kris Ericson - kris.ericson[at]usa[dot]net
Website: www.fortatkinsononline.org
Social Media: None
Additional information: Fort Atkinson State Historical Park
Date Updated: 09/13/21
Unit Name: 7th US Infantry
Location: Missouri
Contact Person & Email: Maj. James Lundgren - j.lundgren167[at]gmail[dot]com
Website: None
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: Members in AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MI, MO, MS, OH, VA, WI
Date Updated: 09/12/21
Unit Name: 10th US Infantry
Location: North Carolina
Contact Person: Sec/Qtr. Master John Truelove
Website: None
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: Sgt. Michael Zatarga is the CO.
Date Updated: 12/12/21
Unit Name: 12th US Infantry
Location: Virginia
Contact Person & Email: Todd Post - 12thinfantry[at]gmail[dot]com
Website: www.12thinfantry.org
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 10/27/21
Unit Name: 15th US Infantry
Location: Plattsburgh, New York
Contact Person & Email: Craig Russel - sandymt2[at]yahoo[dot]com
Website: None
Social Media: None
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 09/15/21
Unit Name: 17th US Infantry - Croghan's Company
Location: St. Thomas, Ontario (from Lemington to Woodstock)
Contact Person & Email: Capt. James Goldsworthy - Croghan1812[at]hotmail[dot]com
Website: https://croghanscompanyreenactors.weebly.com/
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 11/08/21
Unit Name: 21st US Infantry
Location: Mississauga, Ontario
Contact Person & Email: Mike Morden - mmorden[at]rogers[dot]com
Website: None
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 09/11/21
Unit Name: 21st US Infantry
Location: Toledo, Ohio
Contact Person & Email: Brendon Benedict - kingotter12[at]gmail[dot]com
Website: None
Social Media: None
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 09/11/21
Unit Name: 22nd US Infantry – Henderson’s Company
Location: Greater Toronto Area
Contact Person & Email: Ollie Claffey - oclaffey[at]rogers[dot]com
Website: None
Social Media: None
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 11/08/21
Unit Name: 23rd US Infantry
Location: Western New York
Contact Person & Email: Lt. Eric Borresen - 23rdus1812reg[at]gmail[dot]com
Website: http://www.23rdus1812reg.org
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: We are an inclusive unit & we welcome women, BIPoC & LGBTQ+ reenactors as soldiers or civilians.
Date Updated: 09/11/21
Unit Name: 25th US Infantry
Location: Illinois & Wisconsin
Contact Person & Email: Walt Raisner - waltraisner[at]yahoo[dot]com
Website: None
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 09/11/21
Unit Name: 25th US Infantry – MacLachlan's Company
Location: Ontario
Contact Person & Email: Maj. Thomas Hurlbut - hurlbut8646[at]rogers[dot]com
Website: None
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1507049979574053
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 11/14/21
Unit Name: Southern District Regulars
Location: Texas
Contact Person & Email: Scott McMahon - southerndistrictregulars[at]gmail[dot]com
Website: None
Social Media: None
Additional information: Members in the Central and SE United States, mostly based in Texas. Focusing on the Southern District of Operations (7th Military District)
Date Updated: 09/11/21
War of 1812
Re-enacting Organizations,
Portraying U.S. Forces
Listed Alphabetically by Unit Type
Photo by Eric Borresen