Unit Name: Calvert-Arundel Swordsmen
Location: Maryland
Contact Person & Email: Greg Davis - ArkhamAslm[at]aol[dot]com
Website: None
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: We’re in the year 1814, portraying members of Barney’s irregulars, who manned the barges to try to stop the British invasion of the Chesapeake Bay. We focus on either of the time periods immediately following the Battle of St. Leonard’s Creek or the Battle of Bladensburg.
Date Updated: 09/11/21
Unit Name: Company of and Miners, Sappers & Bombardiers
Location: Southern Ontario
Contact Person & Email: Patrick Bartlett - cmsb1814[at]gmail[dot]com
Website: https://www.cmsb.online/
Social Media: Facebook Instagram Twitter
Additional information: None
Date Updated: 12/28/21
Unit Name: Fort McHenry Guard
Location: Maryland
Contact Person & Email: Tim Ertel - Timothy_Ertel[at]nps[dot]gov
Website: https://www.nps.gov/fomc/getinvolved/volunteer.htm
Social Media: Facebook
Additional information: Representing the soldiers and sailors of Fort McHenry and the citizens of Baltimore from the War of 1812 to World War II.
Date Updated: 09/23/21
Unit Name: U.S. Brig Niagara
Location: Erie, PA
Contact Person & Email: info[at]sailfnl[dot]org
Website: https://sailfnl.org
Social Media: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram
Additional information: The Flagship Niagara League is a Non-Profit tasked with preserving the art of historical seamanship. The league maintains and operates the US BRIG NIAGARA and the LETTIE G HOWARD out of Erie PA.
Date Updated: 12/12/21
Background photo by Lisa C. Brown